Our Vision: Balkan countries and their values must be presented to European customers as an united marketplace. We think now is the time!

Masonry Blog

Flat sharing: The challenge of finding the right room and the right people to live with!

Flat sharing is the most common way of renting. Whether you are sharing with a friend or a...
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What happens to the Real Estate market during a recession?

The term recession is well known in the economy and Real Estate fields of studies or...
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Let’s choose your right vacation home for summer/ winter

    Balkan countries are interestingly amazing for vacation time. We are mostly...
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How to properly adapt your daily rental apartment with your clients’ type?

    There are multiple house styles that give to...
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10 most preferred house designs for 2020

    At the end of each day, all we remember is the complexity of the combination...
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TOP four places to live if you are a businessman in the Balkan

What makes businessmen different?   First of all, they all have many things in common...
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Are the prices of new houses in the Balkans aiming to go up in 2020?

As the market changes during years, every topic is a sensitive one to be discussed and claim...
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22 tips for the Balkan’s daily rental apartment owners.

Millions of tourists visit the Balkans every year. How to have a successful daily home...
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Skills That You Can Learn In The Real Estate Market

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis et sem sed sollicitudin....
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